As the calendar flips into July, we’re faced with a tough reality: hurricane season 2018 is upon us. However, unlike last year when storms of historic magnitudes rocked the Florida coast, this year’s predictions are mercifully milder. The TSR predicted a total of fourteen named storms, including six hurricanes last year—this year that number is only ten with just four hurricanes.

That’s good news for Florida residents, many of whom are still in the process of recovering from last year’s devastating storm systems, including hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria which all tore through the state.

While this year’s predictions may be milder, there’s still the chance that a hurricane could come crashing through the Florida coast between now and the end of autumn when the season traditionally comes to an end. And any storm that does make landfall can still leave devastation in its wake. That means it’s still important to do everything you can to prepare for a hurricane now so you can handle the emergency should a situation arise.

Prepare Your Home

Hurricanes can cause immense damage to structures in the areas that experience the storm, and you don’t want your home to be among those hit the hardest. Thus, if you want to have your life return to normal as soon as possible, you should take the time and make the effort to protect your home.

Hurricanes whip up winds that are often well in excess of 100 miles per hour, so you’ll want to secure any areas that could be impacted by those forces or anything they carry, notably your windows. Storm shutters are an extremely popular and useful home feature in Florida, so consider investing in them. However, if you don’t have them, head to your local home improvement store and pick up some wood you can use to reinforce your windows.

Likewise, at the outset of summer it’s a good idea to trim any trees on your property to remove any dying, thin, or brittle limbs that may fall down or become a risk factor during high winds, especially the ones that are close to your home. You’ll also want to make sure your property’s drainage lines are clear and clog-free so that flood waters have somewhere to drain out to.

Have an Evacuation Plan

The good news about hurricanes is that they often give us significant warning that they’re coming and you’ll be able to prepare to evacuate if you’re directly in the storm’s path. However, it’s extremely helpful to have the necessary supplies and a plan ready to execute. First, always be sure you have a stored supply of enough food and water to last you at least three days, plus personal hygiene items like toothbrushes, toothpaste, toilet paper, and soap. You should also have an emergency kit that includes things like flashlights, blankets, and a battery-operated radio. Instant ice packs are a good idea, and a spare supply of any important medications you or a loved one needs, such as insulin.

You should also have copies of your most important records available in a place where they can easily be packed and brought with you.

And of course, don’t consider leaving any pets or animals behind to “ride out” the storm. If you have larger animals like horses, know where they can be brought and boarded safely that’s out of the way of the storm. For dogs, cats, or other small animals, be sure to bring at least a few days’ supply of food for them, as well as a pet carrier that’s large enough for them to stand up and turn around comfortably in. Make sure they have a collar and an ID tag that’s up to date with your latest information.

Likewise, don’t assume a hotel or shelter will accept them automatically. During emergency situations, you may be required to show that their shots and vaccinations are up to date, so be sure you have that ready to go with your important records.

If your home suffers flood or water damage as a result of a hurricane, let our Bradenton mold remediation experts help you set things right again. Contact Flood Pros, USA today by calling (941) 212-2500.